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No "oracle to mysql migration" x64 native software results ... viewing x64 compatible results!
ESF Database Migration Toolkit Professional Editon 12.0.19
... migrating to/from any of the following database formats: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, IBM Informix, InterSystems ... the objects which will be migrating, then submit migration! All table structure, data, schemas(Oracle, SQL ...
Demo | $322.00
Portable RazorSQL 10.6.3
... wide range of databases, including popular ones like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, SQLite, and many others. This cross-platform ... systems. This feature is particularly useful for data migration projects and for maintaining data consistency across multiple ...
dotConnect Universal Professional Edition 5.2.21
... database servers, including Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, InterBase, and Firebird. Other servers can be ... managed code High performance Bundled data providers for Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite UniSQL for writing server-independent ...
Trialware | $299.95
Vinchin Backup and Recovery
... environmrnt including VMware, Hyper-V, XenServer, XCP-ng, oVirt, RHV, Oracle OLVM, Sangfor HCl, OpenStack, Huawei FusionCompute(Xen Based), H3C CAS/UIS, ZStack, Proxmox and physical backups including Oracle DB, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Postgres Pro, MariaDB, ...
Shareware | $99 999.99
Jailer 16.5
... software supports a wide range of databases, including Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server, ensuring versatility and broad ...
Open Source
FmPro Migrator 7.36
... a stand-alone application which migrates FileMaker databases to MySQL, Oracle, Access, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, OpenBase, PostgreSQL and ... directly transfers data via ODBC to facilitate the migration of large text fields and FileMaker Pro container ...
Demo | $200.00
ESF Database Migration Toolkit Standard 12.0.19
... migrating to/from any of the following database formats: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, IBM Informix, InterSystems ... the objects which will be migrating, then submit migration! All table structure, data, schemas(Oracle, SQL ...
Demo | $322.00
Oracle to MySQL
Oracle database to MySQL server conversion application program used to merge the Oracle database with MySQL server database and provides easy solution for database record conversion. Oracle to MySQL migration software offers error free, precise ...
Shareware | $29.00
tags: Oracle, RDBMS, database, MySQL, server, conversion, translation, migration, transformation, tool, software, utility, application, program, source, records, tables, rows, columns, keys, attributes, destination, target, merge, convert, move, translate
MySQL to Oracle
Windows MySQL db to Oracle translator utility easily converts or renovates MySQL database records into Oracle format. Advanced MySQL to Oracle db converter program is easily understandable by non ... and easy install/uninstall wizard for user assistance. Expert MySQL database converter software is capable to convert entire ...
Shareware | $29.00
tags: MySQL, server, RDBMS, Oracle, database, translator, converter, utility, tool, transforms, migrates, synchronize, source, records, tables, indexes, attributes, values, constraints, destination, target, format, consistency, integrity, structure
MySQL to Oracle Database Converter
MySQL to Oracle Database Converter provides best feature to generate new database from other format like MySQL to oracle. Database is vital application in any corporation, company offers easy MySQL to oracle database converter tool transform one DB ...
Shareware | $29.00
Ora2Pg 20.0
... is a free tool used to migrate an Oracle or MySQL database to a PostgreSQL compatible schema. It connects your Oracle database, scan it automatically and extracts its structure ... Ora2Pg can be used from reverse engineering Oracle database to huge enterprise database migration or simply ...
Open Source
Find it EZ Source Code Analysis 4.1.2
... data and SQL code ), including support for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2 UDB, MySQL, Access and cloud databases SQL Azure or Amazon ... of Business Intelligence files such as Crystal Reports, Oracle Reports, Crystal Dashboards ( Xcelsius ), Active Reports ...
Demo | $199.00
dataPro 2.1
... advanced visual cross-platform database management, development and data migration tool. Transfer data between databases, run SQL queries, ... dataPro supports schema conversion and data copying beetween MySql, PostgreSQL, MS Access, SQLServer, Oracle and SQLite. dataPro ...
Shareware | $99.95
tags: datapro, mysql, oracle, sqlite, sql, sql server, access, database conversion, convert, postgresql
MS SQL Server to DB2 iSeries Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool 6.0
Ispirer's business is grounded on a cutting-edge migration tool SQLWays, which has the potential and powerful ... It can take full control of the entire migration cycle providing high automation of all migration phases. ...
tags: migration, conversion, migrate, convert, database, data, application, SQL, schema, DDL, functions, triggers, view, stored, procedures, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, Informix, Teradata, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Greenplum etc
Oracle to MySQL Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool 6.0
The full version of SQLWays Database and Application Migration Tool can control the entire migration cycle providing high automation of all migration phases. SQLWays converts stored procedures, functions, triggers, database ... migraiton project. The tool is used for: Database Migration SQLWays migrates an entire database including data, database ...
Database Migration Toolkit 9.2.01
... writing any scripts. It can directly connect to Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Informix, Teradata, Caché, ... foreign key etc) between these formats (Access to Oracle, Oracle to SQL Server, SQL Server to MySQL, ...
Shareware | $219.00
Database Migration Toolkit 11.2.19
... writing any scripts. It can directly connect to Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Informix, Teradata, Caché, ... foreign key etc) between these formats (Access to Oracle, Oracle to SQL Server, SQL Server to MySQL, ...
Shareware | $259.00
Devart Excel Add-ins 2.10.1404
... of databases and cloud applications, including SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Salesforce, QuickBooks, and many more. This connectivity ...
Data Puppy Lite (32-bit) 1.0
Data Puppy Lite is a database migration tool for Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server & PostgreSQL that demonstrates the basic ... of Cirro's full blown and highly scalable database migration product. The key benefit of this product is ...
Data Puppy Lite (64-bit) 1.0
Data Puppy Lite is a database migration tool for Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server & PostgreSQL that demonstrates the basic ... of Cirro's full blown and highly scalable database migration product. The key benefit of this product is ...
dotConnect Universal 4.0.0
... database servers, including Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, InterBase, and Firebird. Other servers can ... * High performance * Bundled data providers for Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite * UniSQL for writing ...
Shareware | $219.95
tags:, universal, oci, data provider, universal data access, vb net,, odp, asp net, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, InterBase, Firebird
ESF Database Migration Toolkit - Pro 12.1.04
**ESF Database Migration Toolkit - Pro: A Comprehensive Solution for Seamless Database Migration** ESF Database Migration Toolkit - Pro, developed by DBSofts Inc., stands ... tool designed to simplify the complexities of database migration. Tailored for both novice users and seasoned database ...
A5:SQL Mk-2 2.19.0
... supports a wide range of database systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and SQLite, among others. This extensive ... database systems, formats, and environments, ensuring smooth data migration and integration processes. The software supports various file ...
Ispirer SQLWays Toolkit 10.64.7991
... robust software solution designed to facilitate seamless database migration and application conversion. This toolkit stands out in the crowded field of database migration tools due to its extensive support for a ...
Ispirer Toolkit 10.64.7991
... and automate the process of database and application migration. This toolkit stands out in the crowded field of migration tools due to its comprehensive capabilities, user-friendly interface, ... and technologies. It covers everything from SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL to more niche systems, ensuring ...
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