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Lenovo ThinkPad T430si Broadcom Bluetooth Driver for Windows 8
Fixes: - Specified the machine types of ThinkPad X1 Carbon (Machine types: 34xx). - Fixed a security ... issue. This package installs the Bluetooth driver to enable the following device: - ...

Lenovo ThinkPad T430si Broadcom Bluetooth Driver for Windows 7
Fixes: - Added support for ThinkPad L412, L512, T410, T410i, T410s, T410si, T510, T510i, W510. - Specified the machine types of ThinkPad X1 Carbon (Machine types: 34xx). - Added ...

Lenovo ThinkPad T430s Broadcom Bluetooth Driver for Windows 8
... - Specified the machine types of ThinkPad X1 Carbon (Machine types: 34xx). - Fixed a ... This package installs the Bluetooth driver to enable the following device: ...

Lenovo ThinkPad T430s Broadcom Bluetooth Driver for Windows 7
Fixes: - Added support for ThinkPad L412, L512, T410, T410i, T410s, T410si, T510, T510i, W510. - Specified the machine types of ThinkPad X1 Carbon (Machine types: 34xx). - Added ...
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