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NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 341.81 64-bit
Changes: - This driver adds security updates for the driver components nvlddmkm.sys and nv4_mini.sys. Compatible GeForce 400M Series (Notebooks): - GeForce 405M Compatible GeForce 300M Series (Notebooks): - GeForce GTS 360M, GeForce ...

NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 341.81 for Windows 10 64-bit
Changes: - This driver adds security updates for the driver components nvlddmkm.sys and nv4_mini.sys. Compatible GeForce 400M Series (Notebooks): - GeForce 405M Compatible GeForce 300M Series (Notebooks): - GeForce GTS 360M, GeForce ...

NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 341.95 64-bit
Changes: - This driver adds security updates for driver components of Tesla architecture class GPUs. Fixed Issues: - Kernel driver escape can allow access to restricted functionality. CVE-2016-2556 - Kernel driver escape allows privileged memory access. CVE-2016-2557 - ...

NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 341.95 for Windows 10 64-bit
Changes: - This driver adds security updates for driver components of Tesla architecture class GPUs. Fixed Issues: - Kernel driver escape can allow access to restricted functionality. CVE-2016-2556 - Kernel driver escape allows privileged memory access. CVE-2016-2557 - ...

NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 341.98 64-bit
Changes: - This driver adds security updates for driver components of Tesla architecture class GPUs. Compatible GeForce 400M Series (Notebooks): - GeForce 405M Compatible GeForce 300M Series (Notebooks): ...

NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 342.00 64-bit
Changes: - This driver adds security updates for driver components of Tesla architecture class GPUs. Compatible GeForce 400M Series (Notebooks): - GeForce 405M Compatible GeForce 300M Series (Notebooks): ...

NVIDIA Notebook GeForce Graphics Driver 342.01 64-bit
Before downloading this driver: It is recommended that you backup your current system configuration. Changes: This driver adds security updates for driver components of Tesla architecture class GPUs. GeForce ...

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