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Intel NUC PROSet/Wireless Driver 19.0.1 for Windows 7 64-bit
This package contains the files needed for installing the wireless (WiFi) driver version 19.0.1 for the Intel Wireless Technology that is installed in the Intel NUC Kit. If it has been installed, updating ...

Intel PROSet/Wireless Bluetooth Utility 19.00.1629 for Windows 7 64-bit
Intel PROSet/Wireless Software for Bluetooth technology is recommended for end-customers, including home users and business customers with Intel Bluetooth adapters. This software is recommended for end-users. Confirm that you have Windows 7 operating ...

Intel PROSet/Wireless Bluetooth Utility 19.00.1621 for Windows 8.1 64-bit
Intel PROSet/Wireless Software for Bluetooth technology is recommended for end-customers, including home users and business customers with Intel Bluetooth adapters. This software is recommended for end-users. Confirm that you have Windows 8.1 operating ...

Intel PROSet/Wireless Bluetooth Utility 19.00.1621 for Windows 7 64-bit
Intel PROSet/Wireless Software for Bluetooth technology is recommended for end-customers, including home users and business customers with Intel Bluetooth adapters. This software is recommended for end-users. Confirm that you have Windows 7 operating ...
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