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64-bit Science downloads in Education
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Makhaon Worklist Server 3.2.42
Package allow to retrieve worklist for medical equipment
tags: worklist, dicom, pacs, hl7, his, ris, makhaon, wlm, medic, medical, image, visualization, information, software, dimse, dul, communication, mri, imaging, pet, tomography, angiography
Makhaon Videograbber 3.2.113
Takes medical images from non-standard medical devices and into DICOM
tags: dicom, videograbber, framegrabber, pacs, vna, hl7, his, ris, medic, medical, image, visualisation, information, software, makhaon, dimse, dul, communication, mri, gamma, imaging, pet, tomography, angiography
M.A.D. Propz 1.0
Windows application for beam section properties and stress/strain analysis
PTTD - Numero platos columna destilacion 1.8.0
PTTD - Numero de platos de columna destilacion por el metodo de McCabe Thiele
Shareware | $24.00
PTTD - Design of distillation columns 1.8.0
PTTD Number of Theoretical Plates by McCabe-Thiele method for distillation tower
Shareware | $24.00
Neuron model RF-PSTH 1.0
Neuron model RF-PSTH simulates receptive fields and PSTH output signal.
300 Radio Electronics schemes 1.0
Simple and useful ham radio program, 300 radio electronics circuits collection.
Audio Spectrum Analyzer - OscilloMeter 7.41
Multi-channel Audio Spectrum Analyzer for Real-time
Shareware | $499.00
SDEN - Distillation simulator 1.7
SDEN - Distillation simulator of binary mixtures from 1 to 6 consecutive stages
Shareware | $24.00
tags: distillation, simulator, Windows, program, software, alcohol, still, pot, Rayleigh, equation, distillate, concentration, mole fraction, water, mixture, binary, relative volatility, VLE, equilibrium, liquid, vapor, head, column, wine, whiskey, drink
GFCD Generador de Problemas Fisica 1.7
GFCD Generador de problemas de Fisica para Windows
Shareware | $35.00
tags: generador, problemas, ejercicios, fisica, calculo, cinematica, dinamica, posicion, velocidad, aceleracion, centripeta, normal, fuerza, peso, masa, plano inclinado, Atwood, polea, rozamiento, Newton, vector, desliza, vector, acelera, distancia, cuerda, trayectoria, mesa, muelle
CQFZ Worksheet Generator for Chemistry 1.7
CQFZ MagicWorksheet Generator for Chemistry for Windows
Shareware | $24.00
tags: Worksheet, problems, Creator, Chemistry, Maths, K-12, K12, learning, teaching, school, high school, exercises, Oxides, salts, acids, mono, polyatomic. ions, halides, hydroxides, Organic, nomenclature, Linear Branched chains, Alkanes, Cycloalkanes
The complete model rocket software to design and build your rockets
Trialware | $79.90
FemtoScan Online 2.3.219
Image processing and analysis for AFM, STM, TEM and optical microscopy, in 3D.
Shareware | $1 299.00
GENOM 2005 3.42
Feature rich and user friendly application for analysing microarray experiments.
Demo | $1 637.00
tags: affymetrix, microarray, pathway, function prediction, probeset, kegg, genmapp, biocarta, biology, bioscience, analyse, ncbi, sequence, dna, protein
3D Frame Analysis Library 2.0
Dll solver that performs static and dynamic analysis of 3d frames and trusses
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