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64-bit C / C++ / C# downloads in Development

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The C# PDF Library
The C# PDF Library 2023.1.11416   
A C# PDF library "HTML to PDF" and "ASPX to PDF" functionality for .Net Dev
Shareware | $749.00

Turbo Pascal
Turbo Pascal 7.0   
Turbo Pascal is the world-standard Pascal compiler

TVideoGrabber .NET Video SDK
TVideoGrabber .NET Video SDK   
ONVIF PTZ Video capture, recording, media player, overlay, and streaming SDK
Shareware | $695.00

EaseTag Cloud Storage Connect
EaseTag Cloud Storage Connect   
Transparsently connect the cloud storage with EaseTag Cloud Storage Connect

C# ZIP Archive
C# ZIP Archive 2024.2.1   
Mastering C# ZIP Archives with the Comprehensive C# ZIP Library.
Shareware | $749.00

dotNet Sniffer 64-bit x64
dotNet Sniffer 64-bit x64 2.0   
dotNet Sniffer uses the .NET profiler API to save assemblies loaded from memory.

Embarcadero Dev C++
Embarcadero Dev C++ 6.3.0   
A fast, portable, simple, and free IDE for C/C++ programming on Windows

PDF Generator C#
PDF Generator C# 2023.1.11416   
Enhance your project build with modern capabilities using PDF Generator C#.
Shareware | $749.00

BasicAudio VC++
BasicAudio VC++ 8.0   
Set of VC++ components for fast and easy audio capture and playback.
Shareware | $100.00

C# PDF Viewer
C# PDF Viewer 2022.3.5084   
There are many PDF viewers that will work with C# and IronPDF
Shareware | $499.00

PELock 2.08   
PELock - exe-protector and advanced license key system
Demo | $499.00

Ultimate++ 605   
Ultimate++ is a C++ cross-platform rapid application development suite.

Liquid XML Data Binder
Liquid XML Data Binder 8.0.1   
Creates a Library for C++,C#,Java,Silverlight,VB.Net,VB6 based on an XML Schema
Shareware | $699.00

novaPDF OEM 11.9.491   
Easily generate PDF files and post-process them in your application.
Shareware | $1 099.00

Graybox OPC Server Toolkit
Graybox OPC Server Toolkit 3.0.28   
OPC Data Access 1.00, 2.05a, 3.00 Server Develpment Toolkit for C++ and.NET
Demo | $500.00

Microsoft .NET Framework screenshot
Microsoft .NET Framework 5.0   
.NET for building any type of app that runs on Windows

VideoLab .NET
VideoLab .NET 8.0   
.NET , for fast, easy video capture, playback and processing.
Shareware | $689.00

Turbo C++
Turbo C++ 3.0   
This is a free C++ compiler from Borland. It comes with an IDE and debugger

J4L-BarCode for C++ screenshot
J4L-BarCode for C++ 1.1   
J4L-Barcode for C++ is a set of C++ classes that create 1D and 2D barcodes
Commercial | $120.00

Form Designer .Net
Form Designer .Net 2.80   
Form Designer .NET allows you move and resize any control on .NET applications
Demo | $300.00

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