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Nvidia Quadro Display Driver 258.96 WHQL for Vista64/Win7 x64

OS: Windows Vista X64 / Windows 7 x64
downloads: 100
size: 108.00 MB
updated: July 19, 2010
manufacturer: Nvidia

New in Release 258.96:
- Adds support for CUDA 3.1 for improved performance in GPU Computing applications.&  See CUDA for more details.
- Adds support for OpenGL 3.3
- ECC State (appeared in later Release 197 versions)
- New page for GPUs that support ECC (error correction code). The page lets you change the Error Correction Code (ECC) state for GPUs.
- View GPU memory details.
- The SDI Capture page is now available with Windows Vista and Windows 7 drivers.
- Workstation application compatibility fixes. Please read the release notes for more information on product support, feature limitations, driver fixes and known compatibility issues.
- If you would like to be notified of upcoming drivers for Windows, please subscribe to the newsletter.

Existing Support:
- Support for the Open Computing Language (OpenCL) 1.0 in Quadro FX Series x700 and newer as well as the FX4600 and FX5600.
- Supports NVIDIA SLI technology (two-way SLI) for DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and OpenGL on SLI-certified Intel X58-based motherboard based system from select OEMs.
- Support for DDC-Ci/MCCS over the DisplayPort AUX channel.
- 10-bits per color (10bpc) DisplayPort support for full-screen applications on supported products.

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