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Intel RS25AB080 RAID Controller Trimode RAID Driver 7.701.04.00


- MR7.1 OEM I/O tool gets fatal error and stops with outstandings IO

UEFI shell instructions for updating RAID Firmware:

- Download and extract all files to a USB flash drive.
- Boot the target system to EFI shell.
- Change directory to the local drive and directory containing the flash update files and the firmware image file.
- Type the name of the .nsh file matching the controller to update (e.g. "RMSP3HD080E.nsh" and press <Enter> to execute the command
- The storcli command line in the .nsh command will default to the first logical RAID contoller ("/c0"). If this there are multiple controllers, the value of controller parameter ("/Cx") will need to be modified to match the specific controller intended for update.
- Wait for the flash to complete. Do NOT reboot the system during the update.
- You can also use RAID Web Console 3 or OS version of StorCLI to update the RAID firmware. For more detail, please refer to the Intel RAID Software User's Guide.


- Intel recommends to loading Factory Default setting after the firmware upgrade which will not affect data on any existing array.
- Reboot the system and login to the RAID BIOS Console.
- Select the controller and select 'Adapter Properties'->'Next'
- Set the 'Set Factory Defaults' setting to 'Yes' and submit the change.
- Reboot the system (the default settings are applied).
- Re-configure to the desired settings in RAID Web Console3.

Firmware downgrade notice

- Intel does not recommend to downgrade the factory installed firmware on your RAID module or controller, it has important enhancements and bug fixes you may lose when going to a previous version.
- If you need to install an older firmware version, please contact Intel for instructions on how to perform this action.

About SATA / AHCI / RAID Controller Drivers:

When enabled by appropriate software, the SATA controller (RAID or AHCI) is properly recognized by the system and all of its features are made accessible.

In addition to that, the computer will have the ability to read all adapter characteristics, such as model and manufacturer, and will also be able to manage physical disk drives through the controller's interface.

If you wish to apply this package, all you have to do is to make sure that the current release is compatible with both your adapter model and your operating system, and then to get the downloadable software. Extract it if necessary, run the available setup, and follow the on-screen instructions for a complete installation.

When finished, remember to perform a system reboot to make sure that all changes take effect properly. Please remember that, even though other OSes might also be compatible, we do not recommend installing this software on platforms other than the specified ones.

That being said, click the download button, get the package and apply it on your computer. Moreover, constantly check with our website to stay up to date with latest releases.

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