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Intel R1208WFTYSR Server System OFU Utility 14.1.28

The Intel One Boot Flash Update (Intel OFU) is a program used for updating the system BIOS, BMC, Sensor Data Records (SDR), Field-Replaceable Unit (FRU) and Intel Management Engine (Intel ME) of systems.

Change List:

- Fix 16015351886 - [Utilities] [flashupdt] [Agnostic] Setting the path for flashupdt to /usr/bin/
- Fix 22014439329 - Intel One Boot Flash Update utility requires libncurses5, but doesn't work with libncurses6
- Fix 16013416107 - [PSIRT][PTK0001487][PTK0001492][Mitigation Planning] Intel One Boot Flash Update (Intel OFU) Utility escalation of privilege

Windows Installation:

1. Copy the OFU zip package to a local folder.
2. Unzip to local folder (example: .flashupdt). Go to the flashupdt folder (cd Flashupdt).
3. Go to the "Win_x86Drivers" or "Win_x64Drivers" folder (depending on the operating system).
4. Run "install.cmd" as administrator to install the drivers.
5. Go to the "Win_x86" or "Win_x64" folder to execute the flashupdt utility (depending on the operating system). Run flashupdt.exe as an administrator.
6. To test, run a command with options (for example, "flashupdt -i").
7. For updates based on HTTP and FTP, download curl.exe from homepage and copy to the same folder that contains flashupdt.exe.

Linux RPM Installation:

1. Copy the flashupdt rpm package from the corresponding folder to a local folder.
-> For RHEL older than 8.0, copy from Linux_x64RHEL
-> For RHEL 8.0 and above, copy from Linux_x64RHELRHEL8
-> For SLES older than 15, copy from Linux_x64SLES
-> For SLES 15 and above, copy from Linux_x64SLESSLES15
2. Remove any previous versions of the utility.
3. Install the flashupdt utility by using "rpm -ivh flashupdtxx.rpm". This will install the utility in "/usr/bin/flashupdt/".
4. On RHEL/SLES, after installing the rpm, close the terminal from which rpm was installed and then execute THE utility from a new terminal (for example, "# flashupdt -u /tmp/flashupdt.cfg").
5. For updates based on HTTP and FTP, execute the utility from "/usr/bin/flashupdt/", as 'chaff2l.sh' file is needed for this kind of updates.

Linux Regular Installation:

1. Copy the OFU zip package (for RHEL or SLES) to local folder.
2. Unzip to a local folder (example: .flashupdt). Go to the flashupdt folder (cd flashupdt).
3. Change file permissions by running # chmod 755 install.sh and # chmod 755 flashupdt
4. Install the utility using the command "#./install.sh"
5. Go to the RHEL or SLES directory (based on operating system). To run the utility on RHEL 8, go to the RHEL/RHEL8 directory and run # chmod 755 chaff2l.sh.
7. Unzip the file flashupdt.zip to get the flashupdt executable for Linux operating systems.
8. To test the installation, run a command with options (for example: #./flashupdt -i ).

Linux DEB Installation:

1. dpkg -i xxxx.deb

About Tuning Utility:

Install this tuning utility and you will be able to manually configure various overclocking values, such as CPU and memory frequencies, system clocks, fan speeds, and monitor temperature for different components.

However, please note that you're supposed to tweak these settings only between supported ranges; changing configurations to extreme values without additional cooling systems might seriously damage components.

The installation steps needed for the software to be applied are very easy: get the downloadable package, extract it if necessary, run the available setup, and carefully follow all displayed instructions for a complete and successful installation.

In addition to that, please note that it's recommended you perform a system reboot so that all changes can take effect properly. Bear in mind that, even though other OSes might be compatible, we don't suggest against installing this release on platforms other than the highlighted ones.

That being said, click the download button, get the package and set up this feature on your system. For more on the latest releases, keep checking back with our website to “stay updated one minute ago.”

  It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.

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