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Winstep Start Menu Organizer 1.5

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license: Freeware
downloads: 287
size: 2.80 MB
updated: 2011-03-17

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Winstep Software Technologies
Winstep Start Menu Organizer is a freeware program designed to rapidly help you clean and organize your Microsoft Windows Start Menu. Over time, as more and more applications get installed, the Start Menu can get so cluttered that you end up spending a lot of time simply trying to find the program you want to run. When this happens, it's time to organize the Start Menu.

The shortcuts and folders displayed in your All Programs menu are actually stored in two separate folders in your hard drive: one set specific to the current logged in user and another common to all users.

This means you could use nothing but Explorer to reorganize the contents of your All Programs menu, but then you would have to know the location of both folders on your system - which is different in basically every version of Windows - and you would have to be careful in order to keep both components of the All Programs menu synchronized.

For instance, the Accessories folder exists in both the current and all users folders, however Windows only displays a single entry for it in the Start Menu - and it also automatically merges the contents of both versions.

This is where the Winstep Start Menu Organizer comes in: it allows you to quickly and effortlessly group your Start Menu shortcuts into a specific set of categories (e.g. Utilities, Internet, Office, etc...).

Differences between the Free and Pro versions

The free version of the Winstep Start Menu Organizer should be enough for most general purposes as it features ten standard categories. If this is not enough, the Pro version of the Organizer allows you to:

1. Create your own Categories.
2. Rename Categories.
3. Delete Categories.
4. Add Subcategories.

In addition, by upgrading to the Pro version you also get:

1. Ability to reorganize all items in the Start Menu, not just the items at the root.
2. Priority support.
3. Free life-time upgrades.
4. The knowledge that you are supporting future development of the Organizer.

Winstep Start Menu OrganizerSystem MaintenanceWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 3.5 (8 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

Winstep Start Menu Organizer screenshot

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