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Viewlens 4

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license: Freeware
downloads: 990
size: 943 kB
updated: 2020-11-04

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x64 native software

Viewlens is a screen magnifier App for Windows OS from XP to 10. It has many options for effecting magnifing like mirroring and color effecting. The position and size of magnifier window can be changed easyly with mouse moving. There are many color effects like: invert, low blue, sepia, grayscale, inverted grayscale, swep colors. It can operate on windowed inside, outside and fullscreen modes. It is zero cpu usage (except Win 7 Classic themes).

ViewlensOtherWin10 x64, Win8 x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows XP x64

User Rating: 3.3 (188 votes)

5 stars x64 native software
OS: Win10 x64, Win8 x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows XP x64
Requirements: Windows 64-bit

Viewlens screenshot 5 stars

Viewlens Reviews

Software: Viewlens 3.0
Reviewed by: MAZDAPARDAZESH (Oct 7, 2020)
Review: + Border wide option
+ Mouse cursor view mode
+ Advanced fullscreen view mode
Software: Viewlens 2.0
Reviewed by: MAZDAPARDAZESH (Apr 4, 2020)
Review: Viewlens 2 News:

+ Improve Performance
+ More Color Effects ( Inverted Grayscale, Sepia, Swep Colors )
+ Fullscreen Mode
Software: Viewlens 1.0
Reviewed by: MAZDAPARDAZESH (Jun 13, 2019)
Review: The name of application is changed from Desktopzoom to Viewlens and icon is changed.
In this version some color effects (grayscale and low blue color) and help form are added.
Software: Viewlens 9.0
Reviewed by: MAZDAPARDAZESH (Oct 9, 2018)
Review: It has many options for magnifing like color effects and mirroring. It oprate on two modes: Inside mode that is magnify the portion behinde the app window and Outside mode that is magnify the portion around mouse cursor position.

Desktopzoom 9 has high performance rather than previous versions.
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