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uMark Professional 6.4

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license: Trialware ($39.00)
downloads: 299
size: 13.50 MB
updated: 2021-02-09

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x64 compatible software

Uconomix Technologies Private Limited
Add your name or copyright notice along with symbols like © ® £ ¥ or your logo as watermarks on your photos. Stamp your authority over your images. Watermark hundreds of photos in one go. Add watermarks to multiple photos in minutes with the click of a button. Add various shapes and fill them with solid or gradient colors. Add QR codes as watermark on your photos. Select from one of the 9 predefined positions to place your watermark or put the watermark at your desired location on the image by specifying top, left coordinates or by drag and drop.

Put a date stamp on your photos with uMark's EXIF watermarks. Add camera information or other technical details as watermarks. Put the image name, location and parameters like size and DPI in watermarks. View the real time preview of the watermark right on the photos you are watermarking so there are no surprises afterwards. Know precisely how the watermarked images will look beforehand. Put a date stamp on your photos with uMark's EXIF watermarks. Add camera information or other technical details as watermarks. Put the image name, location and parameters like size and DPI in watermarks.

Key features of uMark Professional:

Support for BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG and TIFF image types
Add text or a logo as a watermark
Add EXIF properties as watermark new
Add image name, folder name, creation or modification date as watermark new
Add multiple watermarks new
Batch processing - watermark hundreds of images at once
Customizable font formatting options for text
Add semi transparent watermarks
Place watermark at predefined or customized positions on the image
Rotate watermark to any degree
Tile the watermark horizontally/vertically or both
Resize output images, generate thumbnails
Convert output images
Open images into uMark directly from Windows Explorer
Drag and drop images to uMark from Windows Explorer new
Save watermark settings for later use
See the full size preview on actual images
Add special characters like © and ® to watermark

uMark ProfessionalCADWindows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 1.7 (6 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

uMark Professional screenshot

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