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TransLT 15.0

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license: Trialware ($250.00)
downloads: 370
size: 212.00 MB
updated: 2022-12-08

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x64 compatible software

3D Space
To make it easy to operate with the multitude of existing reference coordinates systems, TransLT contains a module that extracts information from EPSG database. TransLT is aimed at specialists who use GPS technology to perform geodetic works. The program interface is intuitive, easy to use, the data can be imported from txt or csv files, and it allows saving the modification for each step of the transformation.

The calculation of transformation parameters between two coordinates systems can be performed in the following situations:

* 1D transformation (calculation with 5 or 1 parameters);
* 2D transformation (calculation with 4, 5 or 6 parameters);
* 3D transformation (calculation with 7, 8, 9, 10 or 12 parameters).

For each set of calculated parameters calculation reports are generated offering the user information about the quality of the calculated values. The parameters calculation is made easy and practical with the help of worksheets organization.

The transformation of coordinates between two coordinates systems can be done by applying 1D, 2D or 3D transformation or by applying a multiple transformation in steps. The steps of a multiple transformation can be used to make the following coordinates operations:

* coordinates conversions (including using a map projection);
* polynomial transformations;
* transformations using grid files (files containing corrections values);
* transformations with parameters: 1D, 2D or 3D;
* transformations with user defined formula.

The multiple step transformations (which contain many successive transformations) can be saved and used later, with the possibility of applying them directly on a file using the contextual menu from Windows Explorer.

TransLTCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 3.5 (4 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

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