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SSuite WordGraph Editor

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license: Freeware
downloads: 975
size: 12.44 MB
updated: 2024-03-26

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SSuite Office Software
Use SSuite WordGraph Editor for anything from writing a quick letter to producing an entire book with embedded illustrations, tables of contents, indexes, and bibliographies. WordGraph is a complete and powerful software solution for creating, editing and viewing various types of documents. You can create simple or highly structured documents include graphics, tables, charts, and insert spreadsheets you created with Accel. A number of available features give you a fine degree of control over the formatting of text, pages, sections of documents, and also entire documents. You may also save your documents in a variety of industry standard formats and even export them to pdf, jpg, bmp, png, gif, and our presentation format ssp. Create and edit pdfs without any additional software. Use the built-in PDF capabilities of WordGraph to share your work easily and with everyone! Now, it's easy to turn your Word documents, rich text and presentations files into PDFs. SSuite WordGraph is everything you would expect from a word processing application. It is fast, reliable, pleasant to the eyes and senses, simply everything you need to manage your everyday correspondence. Useful features and functions assist you in writing serial letters, printing envelopes, or even help in finding spelling mistakes in several different languages. Key features: - Create Word-Art, Tables, and Math Equations / Expressions. - Optional extras for exporting to presentation format - SSP format. - Export your documents to PDF, PNG, GIF, JPG, BMP, EMF, TIFF and SSP. - Create presentations that are viewable in any web browser and SSuite Image viewer. Simply the best free word processor in the world, only from SSuite Office Software! Online Office Suite: homepage WordGraph - Online Edition: homepage No Java or DotNet required. Green Energy Software. Saving the planet on bit at a time...

SSuite WordGraph EditorOffice Suites & ToolsWindows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win8 x32, Win8 x64, Win10 x32, Win10 x64, Win11 x32, Win11 x64, Win12 x32, Win12 x64, Win Other

User Rating: 4.5 (126 votes)

5 stars x64 compatible software
OS: Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win8 x32, Win8 x64, Win10 x32, Win10 x64, Win11 x32, Win11 x64, Win12 x32, Win12 x64, Win Other
Requirements: 1024 x 768 Minimum Display Size

SSuite WordGraph Editor screenshot 5 stars

SSuite WordGraph Editor Reviews

Software: SSuite WordGraph Editor
Reviewed by: EasyRider (Nov 19, 2014)
Review: This is an ammazing piece of software.

It even has cloud connectivity inside the app. How cool is that!

MS Word has now some serious competition ahead...
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