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SDMetrics 2.5

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license: Freeware
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size: 1.32 MB
updated: 2021-05-02

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x64 compatible software

Jürgen Wüst
SDMetrics analyzes the structural properties of your UML models. Use object-oriented measures of design size, coupling, and complexity to:

establish quality benchmarks to identify potential design problems early on
predict relevant system qualities such as fault-proneness or maintainability to better focus your review and testing efforts
increase system quality and quality assurance effectiveness, find more faults earlier and save development cost
refine your LOC or effort estimates for implementation and testing
Use design rule checking to automatically detect incomplete, incorrect, redundant, or inconsistent design, find style problems such as circular dependencies, violation of naming conventions, and more.


Comprehensive design measurement:
· SDMetrics ships with a rich set of object-oriented (OO) design measures covering structural properties of design elements from all UML1.x and UML2.0/2.1 diagram types.

· Measure all the import design attributes - size, coupling, complexity and more - at all levels of detail, from the model, subsystem, package level down to classes and operations.

Design rule checking:
· Design rules and heuristics automatically check your UML design for completeness, consistency, correctness, design style issues such as dependency cycles, and more.

Early quality feedback:
· The later a fault is found in the development process, the more expensive it is to fix. SDMetrics finds problems at the design stage, before they are committed to source code.

Extensible set of design measures and design rules:
· You are not restricted to the built-in set of measures and rules. SDMetrics has a flexible and powerful mechanism to define and calculate new design rules and measures of your own, tailored to your development practices.

Compare designs:
· Calculate size metrics deltas to quantify the growth in size between two versions of a design, identify parts of the system design that have undergone much change, or evaluate alternative solutions to a design problem.

Interoperability with UML tools:
· SDMetrics is designed to work with all UML modeling tools with XMI export.

SDMetrics supports all XMI Versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, and 2.1 currently in use:
· Flexible XMI import, configurable to deal with proprietary UML metamodel extensions, and tools that deviate from XMI standards.
· Use SDMetrics with reverse engineering tools that produce XMI files from C++, Java, Delphi, or Smalltalk source code, .NET assemblies, etc., to perform design measurement on such sources.

Data export:
· Design measures unleash their full potential when they are subjected to powerful statistical analysis procedures. SDMetrics exports measurement data and descriptive statistics in various formats (tab-separated text tables, HTML, OpenOffice.org Calc, and XML for Microsoft Excel XP) for easy import in office applications, spreadsheet software and statistical packages.

Interactive GUI:
· With the easy-to-use SDMetrics graphical user interface, you can interactively explore measurement data, identify outliers, browse histograms and Kiviat charts.

Command line interface:
· The measurement and data export features are also accessible via a command line interface. Automated analysis runs allow you to integrate SDMetrics in your development environment.

· SDMetrics is fast. A 40MB XMI file with tens of thousands of design elements is processed in a matter of seconds.

SDMetricsCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 2.5 (6 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

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