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Rhyme Genie 8.0

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license: Demo ($24.95)
downloads: 442
size: 192.00 MB
updated: 2016-05-09

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Rich Rhyming Reference
With over 300,000 entries exceeding 170,000 phrases, 35,000 proper nouns and 48,000 titles of charted songs Rhyme Genie is the ultimate rhyming dictionary for songwriters, lyricists, poets, jingle writers, copy writers and wordsmiths alike.

Works Like Magic
Instantly find perfect rhymes as easily as entering a word and charm your muse with a powerful intelligent rhyme algorithm. Change from one-syllabic to multi-syllabic rhymes with a single click and see a wealth of near rhymes appear by simply decreasing the similarity in sound.

Breaks Through Creative Bottlenecks
Get inspired by one of the largest collections of American sayings, idioms, clichés, popular names, places and trademarked brands. Create song hooks, advertising slogans, headlines and titles by searching for phonetic similarities or exact word matches. Express yourself effortlessly with an integrated 115,000 word Webster's dictionary and an extensive thesaurus with over 2.5 million synonyms.

Fulfills Any Wish
Command over 8 million phonetic references with ease and finesse by choosing from 30 different types of rhyme: Additive Rhyme, Alliteration, Amphisbaenic Rhyme, Apocopated Rhyme, Assonance, Broken Rhyme, Consonance, Diminished Rhyme, Double Assonance, Double Consonance, Elided Rhyme, Family Rhyme, Feminine Pararhyme, Final Syllable Rhyme, First Syllable Rhyme, Full Assonance, Full Consonance, Half Double Rhyme, Homophones, Intelligent Rhyme, Light Rhyme, Metaphone, Pararhyme, Perfect Rhyme, Related Rhyme, Reverse Rhyme, Rich Rhyme, Soundex, Trailing Rhyme, Weakened Rhyme.

Enchants With Versatility
Flex Rhyme Genie's muscle with a freely scalable dictionary and highlight rhyme mates depending on their commonality. Zoom in and out, resize or even minimize the window to place it next to your favorite word processor and take advantage of the fully integrated clipboard. Reveal artists of charted songs with a click of a button or hide all song titles to immerse yourself in poetry.

Rhyme GenieOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.5 (11 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

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