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\ Education
\ Teaching & Training Tools \ Quiz Maker by Question Writer
Quiz Maker by Question Writer 4.2
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license: Demo ($195.00)
downloads: 391
size: 11.10 MB
updated: 2011-10-01
tags: quiz software, quiz maker, quiz creator, quiz management software, flash quiz, quiz questions, questionnaire template, test maker, multiple choice test maker, test generator, online testing, quizmaker, test software, test creator, exam software
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Quiz Maker by Question Writer
Question Writer 4 is a fast, feature-rich, easy-to-use quiz software that lets you publish quizzes online in minutes! It has the most complete feature set of any quiz maker available: LIGHTNING FAST: - Intuitive, user-friendly interface makes it easy to create a quiz in minutes - Change the appearance/design in seconds by selecting one of over 20 flash quiz templates (themes) - See an instant preview of your quiz in one click - Drag and drop questions between quizzes. MORE QUESTION TYPES THAN ANY OTHER TOOL: - Multiple Choice - True/False - Multiple Response - Fill in the Blank - Matching - Sequencing - Essay - Explanation - Partial Credit - Plugin Question FLEXIBLE REPORTING: - Reports for online quizzes can be automatically sent to your e-mail address - Quiz takers can print out test summary reports - Quiz takers can send reports to you using their usual e-mail program INSTANT QUESTION FEEDBACK - Feedback is made automatically for each question - Show feedback after each question, or at the end of the quiz REAL REUSABILITY - Never create a test from scratch again! Use questions and themes from previous tests & quizzes in new ones. MULTIPLE LANGUAGE SUPPORT - Use languages like Greek, Japanese and Chinese, and special mathematical symbols. - User interface in these languages: English, Danish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, & Swedish. Includes quiz management software & LMS integration. You can print your tests, create PDFs, publish on Facebook, to an Learning Management System like Moodle or Blackboard, Wordpress, SCORM, or simply use our built in hosted service to have your quiz, text, or exam online instantly. To see a complete list of features, visit: homepage PAID VERSION BENEFITS: Pay Once - Get Unlimited Use Forever! No Recurring Billing Unlike other quiz making software, we don't force you into a monthly or yearly recurring billing model.
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win2000, WinOther, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005, Windows Media Center Edition 2005, Windows Vista, Window
Requirements: Windows or Parrallels for Mac, Flash Player
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