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PowerInteractPoint - Interactive Flash 2.0

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PowerInteractPoint's innovative interactive technology helps you to create rich multimedia presentations readable over web and Internet browsers to a virtual audience. With interactivity you can capture audience attention and make your presentations/e-learning contents more memorable and easy to understand. PowerInteractPoint is easy to use, accessible and has the appropriate features for all your business needs to make your online presentations more effective and engaging. Now presenters can impress thier audience with dazzling interactivities which can be embedded in PowerPoint. Interactions include Flip Book, 3D Cube, Flash Calender, Flash Album, 3D Pyramid, 3D Hex Gallery, Panorama Viewer, Lens Effect, Zoom Effect, Rapid Gallery, Carousel and much more that are flexible and beyond our imaginations. Why pay for interactive content creators? PowerInteractPoint helps you to create and present interactive presentations there by turning passive listeners to active learners.

PowerInteractPoint - Interactive FlashComponents & LibrariesWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 3.2 (5 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Win2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP
Requirements: CPU Pentium III 860 MHz, RAM 128 MB, Disk Space 110 MB, Display SVGA with at least 800dpi x 600dpi

PowerInteractPoint - Interactive Flash screenshot

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