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PlotLab VC++ 8.0

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license: Shareware ($320.00)
downloads: 673
size: 181.05 MB
updated: 2020-11-26

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x64 compatible software

Mitov Software
PlotLab VC++ is a set of Visual C++ components for very easy and fast Data Visualization. The library includes: Scope - scientific chart component for plotting multi-channel data. Waterfall - data plotting component, especially suitable for FFT results. The components allow zooming, navigation, direct printing, clipboard copy, save to file and more. All of the components are optimized for very fast data plotting, and support multithreading. MultiWaterfall - multi channel waterfall component. Especially suitable for video color histogram results. Free for non-commercial use.

PlotLab VC++C / C++ / C#Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer

User Rating: 4.4 (7 votes)

x64 compatible software
Homepage: PlotLab VC++
OS: Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer
Requirements: Visual C++

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