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OBJ mesh to solid 1.01

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license: Shareware ($79.00)
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size: 13.72 MB
updated: 2013-04-11

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OBJ_mesh_to_solid is a stand-alone application that helps user blend NURBS surfaces from OBJ polygon mesh. It can import .obj file and export NURBS surface to .igs file. When you have any polygon mesh created from CG software ( e.g Maya) and would like to blend high quality NURBS surfaces, this small software may help you. The algorithm used in this software is based on the paper named "Constructing_C1_Surfaces_of_Arbitrary_Topology_using_Biquadratic_and_Cicubic_ Splines " written by Professor Jorg Peter. The feature includes: 1. Import polygon mesh file formatted by .obj; 2. Create NURBS surfaces from the polygon mesh, the NURBS surfaces are watertight and exact G1 transition; 3. Export the surface to .igs file; 4. Easy to use. Just click one button to create NURBS surfaces from mesh polygon automatically. It is very simple to create solid from OBJ mesh, the steps are: Step 1: load your OBJ mesh into software; Step 2: click menu 'Surface> Blend mesh to NURBS' , the software will create NURBS surfaces from your OBJ mesh automatically. The NURBS surfaces are water-tight and exact G1 transition. Step 3: save the NURBS surfaces as .igs file. Since the surfaces are water-tight, they can be sewed as solid without changing any geometry by other software.

OBJ mesh to solidCADWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 3.9 (7 votes)

x64 compatible software
Homepage: OBJ mesh to solid
OS: Win2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

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