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MQ Visual Browse 3.0.0

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license: Trialware ($29.00)
downloads: 373
size: 40.10 MB
updated: 2013-12-05

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Capitalware Inc.
The MQ Visual Browse v1.6.1 application allows users to view messages in a queue of a WebSphere MQ (formally MQSeries) queue manager and presents the data in a simplified format similar to a database utility or spreadsheet program.

MQ Visual Browse is a great tool for application programmers, JMS developers, quality assurance testers, and production support personnel who do NOT need message editing capabilities. The tool allows for quick problem solving because the data is presented in a very logical and insightful manner.

MQ Visual Browse can run on any platform that supports Java v1.4 (or higher). This includes: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp, Sun Solaris, Windows 95/98/ME and Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7. MQ Visual Browse is able to connect to local queue managers (residing on the same box) or to any remote queue manager.

The remote queue managers can be on any platform that supports distributed queuing including: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, OS/2 Warp, OS/400 (iSeries), Sun Solaris, Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 and z/OS (OS/390).

MQ Visual Browse has been designed to support Java's Multi-Language environment. Full language support for the following languages: English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish.

MQ Visual Browse supports SSL for connecting to remote queue managers.
MQ Visual Browse supports 3rd party security exit for connecting to remote queue managers.
Major Features:
Ability to open and display multiple queues from multiple queue managers.
Ability to add, open and manage favorites.
Export all or selected messages to a text file or multiple text files.
Backup all or selected messages to a file. The backup includes both the MQMD and the data.
Ability to compare a message to a file and highlight differences.
Print a selected message.
Supports copying of message data to other desktop applications via clipboard.
The user can view the message in a Hex Editor (also EBCDIC mode available)
The user can view their messages in a XML tree (via the builtin XML Viewer)
Support for well-known WMQ messages formats: MQMD, MQRFH, MQRFH2, MQCIH, MQDEAD, MQIIH, MQXMIT, MQHSAP and SMQBAD.
MQ Visual Browse now defaults to using the VisualStudio2005 Look and Feel theme. The OfficeXP and VisualStudio2005 Look and Feel themes are provided by Robert Futrell's open source project called: OfficeLnFs.
Includes 6 'Other Tools': Visual Difference, Hex Converter, Hex Editor, Text Editor, XML Editor and Tail File.
Other Tools:
The Hex Converter tool can convert a hexadecimal number to its corresponding string representation and vice versa. i.e. 0x'3132333041424344' to '1230ABCD'.
The Hex Editor is a simple multi-purpose HEX editor. The Hex Editor supports multi-file editing.
The Text Editor is a simple multi-purpose plain-text editor. The Text Editor supports multi-file editing.
The Tail File is a simple multi-purpose plain-text editor. The Tail File supports monitoring of multiple files at the same time.
The XML Editor is a simple multi-purpose XML editor. The XML Editor supports multi-file editing.
The Visual Difference is a simple file to file comparison tool. It visually displays differences between 2 files. The differences are hightlighted: Green for inserts, Red for deletions and Blue for changes.

MQ Visual BrowseOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 3.6 (9 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

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