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MQ File Mover 4.1.8

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license: Open Source
downloads: 334
size: 1.90 MB
updated: 2013-02-25

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Capitalware Inc.
The MQ File Mover v4.1.5 (MQFM) application is a managed file transfer solution that facilitates the transfer of files using IBM's WebSphere MQ (aka MQSeries). MQFM processes "Action" commands which are controlled through an MQFM Workflow XML file. The user combines a series of Action commands to create the MQFM Workflow XML file.

MQFM is more than a simple file transfer tool, it is a solution for combining business processes into a workflow. The Action commands of a MQFM Workflow XML file are set up by a user to define precisely what actions, aka business processes, are going to be executed, what order they will be executed in and what happens if an error occurs.

The Send and Watch Actions use Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt the data and the actions can also compress the data before the data is sent via WebSphere MQ. The Receive Action can decrypt and decompress the incoming data before it is written to the target file.

MQFM supports End-To-End encryption when a KeySize and PassPhrase is used with Send (or Watch) and Receive Actions. MQFM uses Java's Cryptography to perform the encryption and decryption, hence the use of SSL and SSL certificates is not require.

The Send and Watch Actions can send the file to a single MQ queue or send the same message to multiple MQ queues at the same time.

WebSphere MQ Actions:
Send - Sends 1 or more files as individual messages via MQ. Each file can be encrypted and/or compressed before it is sent. Each file can be sent to a single queue or multiple queues at the same time.
Watch - Monitors for a particular file or monitor a directory for files to appear and then send the file (can be run as a daemon or as a Windows service). Each file can be encrypted and/or compressed before it is sent. Each file can be sent to a single queue or multiple queues at the same time.
Receive - Receives an incoming message and write it to a file (can be run as a daemon or as a Windows service). Receive Action will decrypt and/or decompress and encrypted and/or compressed messages.
PutQuit - Puts a 'Quit' message on a queue (to stop the Receive Action running as a daemon)
File Actions:
Append - Appends a file to another file
Copy - Copies 1 or more files from a directory to another directory
Delete - Deletes 1 or more files in a directory
DecryptFile – Decrypt a file using AES 128, 192 or 256-bit decryption
EncryptFile – Encrypt a file using AES 128, 192 or 256-bit encryption
Merge - Merge 2 or more files to another file
MergeSort - Merge 2 or more files and sort the data to another file
Move - Moves 1 or more files from a directory to another directory
Rename - Renames a file
ReplaceText - Performs a search and replace of text in a file.
Sort - Sorts the data of a file into another file
Tar - Combine a file(s) or a directory of files into a tar archive
Touch – Update a file's the modification time or create the file if it does not exist
UnTar – Extract tar archive to a directory
UnZip – Uncompress a zip archive to a directory
Zip - Compresses a file(s) or a directory of files into a Zip archive

MQ File MoverOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 3.5 (2 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

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