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JOpt.NET 2.3.6

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license: Demo ($615.45)
downloads: 410
size: 4.50 MB
updated: 2010-05-27

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x64 compatible software

DNA Evolutions
JOpt.NET is an automated vehicle routing software and resource scheduling component for .NET and can be integrated with C#,C++,VB and J#. JOpt.NET brings route planning and tour optimisation features to your applications with respect to various constraints such as time windows, load capacities and prescribed itinerary. The component is based on flexible memetic algorithms and automatically determines an optimized schedule of vehicels to an arbitrary set of shipments. You may set up your own constraints and optimization goals in order to customize JOpt.NET to your specific planning needs or you decide to use one of our best practices addons in order to achieve a fast application of our optimization algorithms to selected industries.

JOpt.NET can solve nearly any problem that can be classified by one of the following types:

* TSP - Traveling Salesman Problem. JOpt.NET finds the shortest or fastest path for your mobile resources
* CVRPTW/VRPTW - Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows - like TSP but for a set of vehicles. JOpt.NET finds an optimal allocation of orders and stops within a vehicle fleet. It may also consider different constraints for vehicles, drivers and stops.

JOpt.NET functionality fits seamlessly into any .NET application. Software developers may integrate the JOpt.NET component into their application in order to offer their customers a consistent solution including optimization of mobile workforce schedules. A seamless integration into your software allows the look and feel of one piece of software for your customer.

JOpt.NETComponents & LibrariesWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 1.5 (4 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

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