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HeWoP for Free Space 6.6
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AM Photonics
This software solves the Helmholtz, scalar wave equation so that a laser beam of your choice can be propagated to a target in almost real time. Use one of five different beam propagation methods: FFT-BPM, FD-BPM, HE-BPM, Fraunhofer or Fresnel approximations. Use the source aperture structure tool to create the beam shape with a single beam or multiple beamlets. Propagate using coherent or incoherent beamlets. The full version allows you to simulate atmospheric turbulence. The turbulence can be a function of altitude. Due to ITAR restrictions, the full version of this code can only be sold or given to U.S. citizens or U.S. Companies. Students and teachers get a free license for the full version. Outputs can be saved in BMP and ASCII formats for export to publications and other codes. A large variety of parametric studies can be used for designing high-power laser systems. This software solves the Helmholtz wave equation using a new mathematical technique that is VERY fast. Other similar codes were developed over years of effort at costs of millions of dollars. This code was written by Dr. R. Andrew Motes and is privately owned.
OS: Win2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64
Requirements: 4 MB RAM
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Top Math & Scientific Tools 64-bit downloads
OkMap Desktop 18.9.3
OkMap - GPS and map Windows software for many outdoor activities
Shareware | $27.60
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ChemMaths 17.1
Software suitable for Engineering,Chemistry/Science, Professionals/education.
Shareware | $12.00
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Modeling of Helmert Seven Parameter Sets from identical points
Shareware | $285.00
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Python Operating Environment
Enjoy Python with sentient editors, in/out portals, and selective execution
Equatran 3.5
Solves sets of mathematical equations. Type equations and the solution is found.
Shareware | $290.00
MITCalc Profiles Calculation 1.20
Area characteristic of profiles and mass characteristic of solids
Shareware | $16.00
MITCalc Torsion Springs 1.22
Geometric and strength designs of spiral cylindrical torsion springs
Shareware | $25.00
MITCalc Multi pulley calculation 1.21
Designs of belt and chain transmission with more sprocket wheels
Shareware | $16.00
tags: belt, chain, belt transmission, chain transmission, sprocket, wheel, ANSI/RMA IP-24, 1983, DIN 7721, DIN ISO 5296, ISO 5295, CAD, DXF
MITCalc Bolted connection 1.25
Design and strength check of a prestressed bolt connection
Shareware | $31.00
tags: Bolt, bolt connection, bolt calculation, prestressed bolt, strength check, static, dynamic, design, VDI 2230, ANSI B1.1, ANSI 273, ANSI B18.2.1, ANSI B18.2.2, ANSI B18.3, ISO 4032, ISO 4035, ISO 4762, EN 28839, CAD, CAM, DXF
Excel VBA Models Set 1 XL-VBA1.0
Excel VBA Models Open Source Code Learning Tool - Finance and Statistics Models
Shareware | $29.95
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