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Gwyddion 2.66

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license: Open Source
downloads: 1026
size: 25.10 MB
updated: 2024-05-26

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David Necas and Petr Klapetek
Gwyddion is a modular program for SPM (scanning probe microscopy) data visualization and analysis. Primarily it is intended for analysis of height fields obtained by scanning probe microscopy techniques (AFM, MFM, STM, SNOM/NSOM), however it can be generally used for any other height field and image analysis, for instance for analysis of profilometry data (learn more about Gwyddion features).

Gwyddion is Free and Open Source software, covered by GNU General Public License. It aims to provide multiplatform modular program for 2D data analysis that could be easily extended by modules and plug-ins. Moreover, the status of free software enables to provide source codes to developers and users, which makes the further program improvement easier.

Gwyddion works on GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and FreeBSD operating systems on common architectures, all systems can be used also for developement. Its graphical user interface is based on Gtk+ and port to other systems supported by Gtk+ should be possible.


· visualization: false color representation with different types of mapping
· shaded, logarithmical, gradient- and edge-detected, local contrast representation, Canny lines
· OpenGL 3D data display: false color or material representation
· easily editable color maps and OpenGL materials
· basic operations: rotation, flipping, inversion, data arithmetic, crop, resampling
· leveling: plane leveling, profiles leveling, three-point leveling, facet leveling, polynomial background removal, leveling along user-defined lines
· value reading, distance and angle measurement
· profiles: profile extraction, measuring distances in profile graph, profile export
· filtering: mean, median, conservative denoise, Kuwahara, minimum, maximum, checker pattern removal
· general convolution filter with user-defined kernel
· statistical functions: Ra, RMS, projected and surface area, inclination, histograms, 1D and 2D correlation functions, PSDF, 1D and 2D angular distributions, Minkowski functionals, facet orientation analysis
· statistical quantities calculated from area under arbitrary mask
· row/column statistical quantities plots
· ISO roughness parameter evaluation
· grains: threshold marking and unmarking, watershed marking
· grain statistics: overall and distributions of size, height, area, volume, boundary length, bounding dimensions
· intergral transforms: 2D FFT, 2D continuous wavelet transform (CWT), 2D discrete wavelet transform (DWT), wavelet anisotropy detection
· fractal dimension analysis
· data correction: spot remove, outlier marking, scar marking, several line correction methods (median, modus)
· removal of data under arbitrary mask using Laplace or fractal interpolation
· automatic xy plane rotation correction
· arbitrary polynomial deformation on xy plane
· 1D and 2D FFT filtering
· fast scan axis drift correction
· mask editting: adding, removing or intersecting with rectangles and ellipses, inversion, extraction, expansion, shrinking
· simple graph function fitting, critical dimension determination
· force-distance curve fitting
· axes scale callibration
· merging and immersion of images
· tip modelling, blind estimation, dilation and erosion

GwyddionCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 3.2 (18 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

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