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Granny v Birds

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license: Freeware
downloads: 328
size: 10 kB
updated: 2013-01-17

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x64 compatible software

ToolbuckX Software
It is a war between old granny and the birds. Granny is up against the crowd of smart and fast moving birds who wont leave her alone. With her wooden roller, granny is determined fight the battle with the birds and she wont stop until she used up the last drop of her energy.

Granny v Birds is a simple but addictive reflex-based arcade game. In each level, granny needs to hit all the birds within the given number of allowable strokes.

It is up to you to rescue old granny from the birds!


Excellent graphics
Simple and intuitive user interface
Wide variety of birds with different attacking techniques
Wide variety of background images, guaranteed to be eye pleasing

Granny v BirdsGamesWindows 8, Windows 8 x64

User Rating: 2.3 (6 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows 8, Windows 8 x64

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