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EnDiskEx 0.9.0 RC

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license: Open Source
downloads: 168
size: 82 kB
updated: 2012-05-21

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x64 compatible software

Dave Peterson
EnDiskEx is a command-line tool that bulk extracts files, banks, and songs from Ensoniq-formatted disk images (RAW, GKH, EDE, and EDA) for the EPS/ASR family of samplers. The extracted files are saved as EFE / SMF / TXT files.

EnDiskEx is explicitly aimed at extracting banks for re-creation within a different DAW with as much automation as possible. It will track down the instrument and song files even if they were saved on another disk. There exists a disk mapping feature to correct for any errors in this process which has been found to be useful by the dev team.

EnDiskEx has been tested and validated against a variety of RAW, GKH, EDE, and EDA images files found on the internet at one time or another, including but not limited to, the ASR factory disks, the EPS 16+ factory disks, and the EPS (classic) factory disks.

v0.8 includes song extraction to an ALL STEPS midi file! (A single file containing all data in the song for one-click import into your DAW)


Reads images of disks formatted for Ensoniq EPS / EPS 16+ / ASR samplers.
Reads RAW, GKH, EDE, and EDA disk image formats.
Builds an in-memory library of all images you point it at (can list multiple directories or explicit files).
Can bulk extract all files on all images.
Can find all bank files, parse them, and then extract each bank to its own sub-directory.
Extracts all Ensoniq files to EFE formatted files on the PC.
Allows mapping specifications to correct for 'errors' in bank references.
Extracts sequences to type 1 SMF/MIDI files
Extracts songs to type 1 SMF/MIDI files; one for the song as a whole and one for each contained sequence
v0.8.1 fixed a bug with handling tempo/time signature changes when building the ALL STEPS sequence for a song
v0.8.2 fixed a bug with handling of EDA image files and a logic bug when creating ALL STEPS sequences (if it didn't crash on you, then you have nothing to fear)

EnDiskExOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 4.0 (1 vote)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

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