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Checkers Pro

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license: Freeware
downloads: 253
size: 10 kB
updated: 2013-01-11

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Bernardo Zamora
Checkers Pro is an implementation of the classic board game Checkers, also known as Draughts, Chequers, Dames or Damas, for Windows Phone 7. It is the only Checkers game in Windows Phone 7 with real-time online gameplay, worldwide High Scores, Online Chat and Super hard ‘Grok’ Level 8.

The game is quite fun, loaded with features, easy to learn with lower levels for beginners, but also quite strong AI engine for more advanced players.

Checkers Pro, available in Free version (supported by ads), as well as Paid versions, follows the US/UK rules:

If a piece can jump, it must jump (optional)
Black color always starts
8×8 board
No flying kings
40-move rule
The game is loaded with cool features:

Online gaming: play with users from all over the world
Multiple play modes: Play vs a friend, play vs the Phone, or Phone vs Phone (learn from the AI – it is cool to see the phone play vs itself)
One-touch move: touch the piece, and if there is only one possible move, it moves the piece. This helps the usability in these small phone screens!
True high-res unlockable graphic themes. Try out the alien theme
Unlimited undo: this was a key feature most Checker players wanted, and this version has it. Go back and change or fix a bad move.
8 levels of difficulty: novice (very easy) up to impossible (very hard AI with self-modifying strength at end-game), and including Grok (super super hard)
Worldwide online high scores – compare your level vs other people!
Fast play: in levels 1-6 play is very fast, though in level 7 and 8 (“Impossible Level” and “Grok Level”) it takes up to 15 seconds to play
The trial mode and the free version are 100% functional, with all the capabilities, and is supported by ads.
Strong computer opponent at higher levels: the AI at levels 6, 7 and 8 use multiple board scoring strategies, hash tables, alpha-beta pruning, and some other magic, to make it for very challenging games. In fact, the latest version can beat or draw all WP7 and iPhone Checker games in highest difficulty settings.
No game is identical: the phone changes strategies every game through random choices when appropriate.
Sound: player moves have sound (can be disabled).
Animation to show board piece movement. This feature can be disabled if you want even faster play.
Show possible moves. You see which pieces can move (white circle around them, and a yellow box for target positions). I’ve found this feature very very helpful, and I don’t ever play without it .
Always-save. If you switch to another app, for example if you get a phone call, you won’t lose an ongoing game.
40-move rule. If there is no progress in 40 moves the match ends and the winner is the one with more pieces (kings worth more than pawns). Progress is determined by any piece becoming king, any movement of pawns, or any pieces being eaten.
Saves games scores so you know how many games you’ve won, or ended in draw, in each level. The program determines a score depending on these results.
Tournament board numbering. The board is numbered (1-32). Useful for tournament play.

Checkers ProGamesWindows 8, Windows 8 x64

User Rating: 3.5 (2 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows 8, Windows 8 x64

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