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CCNA Test Launcher 1.0
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license: Freeware
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size: 220 kB
updated: 2016-12-21
tags: ccna, cisco, 200-125, routing, switching, icnd, test, certification, ccna v3, cisco ccna, network
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CiscoNet Solutions
Certification tool to help prepare candidates for the CCNA v3 Routing and Switching 200-125 exam. The test launcher provides single click access to seven learning modules with 600+ questions and detailed answers. The online course includes new and updated subject matter to the CCNA curriculum that includes ICND 100-105 and ICND 200-105. The questions are based on Cisco CCNA v3 published exam requirements. The question and answer format used is an effective technique to learn and prepare for CCNA certification. In addition practice tests are available with randomized questions designed for real world test simulation. Each test is comprised of 100 questions with subject matter and percent coverage assigned from the official CCNA exam guidelines. 1. 600+ Questions and Answers 2. Official CCNA Curriculum 3. Module 1: Network Fundamentals 4. Module 2: LAN Switching Technologies 5. Module 3: Routing Technologies 6. Module 4: WAN Technologies 7. Module 5: Infrastructure Services 8. Module 6: Infrastructure Security 9. Module 7: Infrastructure Management 10. Online CCNA Practice Tests
OS: Win2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64
Requirements: None
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