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AudeLA 3.0.0b4

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license: Freeware
downloads: 345
size: 91.60 MB
updated: 2018-05-26

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Audela Core Team
Audela is a free and open source astronomy software intended for digital observations (CCD cameras, Webcams, etc.). Its concept is entirely new, because whilst it features advanced image processing and acquisition functions like existing software, its originality lies in the fact that it is entirely reprogrammable using simple scripts. It has been written for both Windows and Linux platforms and can control many telescope mounts and cameras or DSLRs.

Aiming and controlling equipment:
Align assistant with the polar scope (Takahashi or EQ6)
Align assistant with the King method
Focusing assistant
Pipeline for the aiming model
GOTO function using integrated catalogs (planets, asteroids, Messier objects, reference stars, NGC, IC, Moon)
GOTO function using another charting planetarium tool (Guide, Carte du ciel , Skychart)
Remote control from a computer
Check position and time via GPS (through a serial or Ethernaude link)
Control of filter wheels
Virtual control pad
Supported telescopes : LX200 protocol (with special features of Audecom, Skysensor, losmandy, It-lente, Mbartels), Ouranos, Temma, Ascom, Celestron
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Link: serial port, USB/Serial adapter

Capturing Images:
Capture modes: serial, continuous, windowed, binning, scan, video.
Capturing videos with a Webcam (included Linux since 2.0.20110925).
Characteristics of the optics (CCD field, binning, focal lengths, etc.).
Capturing scans (drift-scan and normal scan)
Display of a reticle for centering purposes
Pipeline for supernovae survey
Pipeline for asteroid photometry
Supported cameras: Audine, Hi-Sis, SBIG, CB245, Starlight, Kitty, Webcam, TH78521, SRC1300XTC, Canon EOS, Coolpix, Andor
Supported links: parallel port, USB port, Ethernaude, Quickremote (USB/parallel converter), Grabbers
Long exposure option for webcams and DSLRs (via serial port, USB/serial adapter, parallel port or QuickRemote interface)

Displaying Images:
Zoom, mirror, windowing, full screen
Transfer functions (linear, log, exponential, arc-tangent).
Automatic adjustment of viewing thresholds.
Changing colour palettes
Multi-window display
Viewer with animation or blinking

Processing Images:
Processing one image (add , subtract, divide, etc.)
Processing series of images (register, add, subtract, etc.)
Geometric operations (mirrors, windowing, resampling)
Optimizing dark frame, subtracting sky background
Filters (high pass, low pass, gaussian, median)
Wavelets, logarithms
Statistics on the image, Fwhm, Flow, Photocentre
Histogram, section
Image selection
Processing colour images (RAW→CFA, CFA→RGB, R+G+B→RGB, etc.)
Direct and inverse Fourier Transformation

Advanced Processing of Images:
Automatic pre-processing (make a dark frame, a flat field, registering)
Astrometric calibration
Photometric calibration with one picture or a serie (CDR/CDL)
Spectrometry: SpcAudace (automatic spectrum processing, spectral astrophysics analysis…)

General Settings:
Languages (10 availables)
Observer location
Time (local, UT, ST), time zone, summer/winter
External editors/browsers (PDF, HTML, text, image browser)
Selection of UI colours (with night vision)
Saving user preferences

Writing customized scripts in TCL
Models and examples of scripts: photometrie (calaphot.tcl) , asteroid occultation (titania.tcl), etc.
Function library:
LIB TT: pre-processing of astronomical images
LIB MC: celestial mechanics calculations
LIB GSL: matrix calculation
LIB BLT: trace of curves
LIB Audela: camera and telescope management, and image buffer

Formats of Supported Files:
FITS files (16 bits or floating), colour FITS (48-bit RGB)
JPEG files
DAT files (spcaudace)
RAW files(crw, cr2, nef, etc.)
AVI files

AudeLAOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 1.5 (2 votes)

x64 compatible software
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

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