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Anrieff's Gallery Generator for Windows (x64bit) 0.3.1

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license: Freeware
downloads: 405
size: 1.83 MB
updated: 2012-10-26

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x64 native software

Veselin Georgiev
The easy to use Gallery Generator

AGG for Windows x64 bit is aimed at simplicity. Rescaling and rotating your collection of photos or other images is just few clicks away. It's free, and runs on Windows x64, so why not give it a try ?

AGG supports:

* Reading and writing to JPEG files (it opens any JPEG file supported by jpeglib, i.e. essentially every .JPG file you can come across); Reading/writing to .PNG and .BMP (a.k.a. Windows Bitmap) files;
* Creating simplistic .HTML galleries. No need of PHP / CGI / ASP / Java whatsoever;
* High-quality resizing using fully 32bit FP, gamma-correct, internal color processing pipeline;
* Organization of your images in project files, so gallery settings and rotation parameters aren't lost when you quit the program;
* Creating thumbnails with frame fadeout effect; combined with transparent .PNGs and your custom background can produce very beautiful results;
* Creating thumbnails for the galleries with mouse rollover effects;
* Creating multi-page galleries for faster loading;
* Supports SMP for fast operation on multi-CPU/multi-core systems;
* Full-featured support on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both 32 and 64 bit;
* Unicode support, so your galleries, file names, etc. can be in any language you want;
* Exif metadata in images. It is preserved in the output images and used for some cool things like:
o Figuring out image orientation (for digital cameras with orientation sensors);
o Figuring out image capture date, which could be used to put images in chronological order (especially if images are from several cameras);
o Generating an Exif stats page, where it places histograms for image settings like shutter speed, aperture, ISO speed and focal length
* Creating a .ZIP file with all images from the gallery;
* Per-image selection of output resolution;
* Image resizing and file renaming of whole directory hierarchies;
* Customization of output HTML code (you can use language other than English for example!);
* Adding title pictures to the galleries, e.g., to describe where you've been.

New features added:

* Ability to embed watermarks in the generated gallery images (see the "Advanced options" tab in the gallery config);
* A project manager, accessed File->Add/reorder images. Can add new images, or remove, rearrange, sort and batch include/exclude/rotate the existing;
* A tool to remove duplicate images from the project (Gallery->Remove duplicates...);
* A timelapse tool for fixing brightness of time-lapse sequences shot in (semi-)automatic exposure modes (Gallery->Timelapse tool...). This is documented in a Youtube demonstration. It is now an official feature - you don't need to enter "Developer mode" to use it;
* A "shorten filenames" option in the gallery look options tab (suggested by Peter Petrov);
* AGG will now automatically preview your generated gallery with your web-browser if you say so;
* Remember recently opened projects.

Anrieff's Gallery Generator for Windows (x64bit)OtherWindows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.1 (15 votes)

x64 native software
OS: Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x64

Anrieff's Gallery Generator for Windows (x64bit) screenshot

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